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Appalachian Women Speak

September 28
1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
G.A.R. Hall
1785 Main St
Peninsula, OH 44264 United States

Join us for a special afternoon of Poetry as we present “I thought I heard a cardinal sing”, part of the Women of Appalachia Project, headed by Ohio’s Poet Laureate, Kari Gunther-Seymour. This antholoy focuses on the unique culture of Ohio’s Appalachian population.

A lavish mix of voices—Affrilachian, Indigenous, non-binary and LGBTQ; from teens to those creatively aging; poets in recovery, some differently-abled or with developmental differences; emerging and well established; some living in the state, others from assorted locations throughout the country—all with a deep connection to Appalachian Ohio.

​Many people have an image of an Appalachian, and they look down on them, unaware of the strength of their rich heritage, strong sense of honor and love of the land. Mainstream media has rarely been kind to Appalachia. This anthology is a testament to the intricacies of family, ancestry and cultural heritage of Ohio Appalachians and most importantly that one single story cannot possibly describe a region or its people.

Don’t miss joining us for this special poetry event.  We will have music and light snacks.  Donations are appreciated.

Thanks to Peninsula’s favorite poet, Renay Sanders for keeping poetry alive in the Valley!


Peninsula Foundation